Nurdayana Bt. Satar
She's nice and like a mother. Lembut tapi kadang2 suka gak kutuk2 orang nie. haha. Andd selalu bwk mknan kat class mcm aku ^^ I miss you
Allya Riff
Photographer merangkap budak chemistry. Suke bercakap sambil buat gaye ngan tangan. Aku pon dah terikut :) Dah lama tak ponteng maghrib sama sama. haha.
Aisyah Rameli
Budak ske tido and merepek. haha Budak sekolah Takyah yg selalu lewat and poteng. She's cool :) Berani but sometimes lazy. Aku pon sama ^^
Nur Azreen b. Norazman Amrullah
Suke gelak kuat kuat. Aku pon tak selalu ngam ngan dia mcm Chalie :) Tapi aku sayang dia. Entah, rasa mcm aku nk protect dia. Tak tahu lah kenapa. What ever she does, aku mesti kesah. haha. :)
Amirah Rasyidi
The person I respect the most. She has the brain and the pretty face. Baik gilaa dah le Badar :) She would do anything to help people. She's differ from us. :)
Farah Latep
The brain and the face. She's got it all. She even take part in the school competitions. ALOT!! Ima zakwan. Funny story about both of them. Congrats though :)
Ainatul Mardhiah
She's one girl yg selalu optimistik. I never met someone like her. Byk aku dengar cerita yg buruk pasal dia. Dan ada satu saat tu, aku pernah ade doubt pasal dia. How stupid am I at that time. Now I realize who the real her :) She sacrifice a lot in her life and her love life. She never wanted to gave up. Dia teruskan perjuangan dia selagi dia mampu. She amaze me a lot. :)
Nurain Wahid
which is me, aku tak mampu nk berikan segala galanya terhadap parents aku. Dalam MRSM tu, aku dah buat ape yang aku mampu. Kadang kadang aku rasa aku takkan berjaya sebab apa yang aku buat kat maktab tu dan dalam hidup aku tak diredhai. Entah lah, the nearer it got to SPM, the worst I felt about myself. I'm not the best friend you'd have, not the best daughter you wanted too, but I tried. Kawan kawan class E amat menakjubkan. A few I dislike and a few i adore :) Those 8 guys yg suka merepek. haha, how I miss them a lot :)
why boys not be mention?
unintended lah :) hehe
ehh, ini amirul fahmi bin rosly ke? sebab dia je nama karim kat maktab <3
rinduuuu kau gay!! :(
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